Thursday, March 20, 2014

Wow what an amazing day we had yesterday!  It started at 3:30 AM.  When I set the alarm to wake us at 3:30 AM I accidentally set if for PM!  Luckily Crystal woke up at 3:35 and we were still on schedule!

We made it to Cancun around 3 PM.  Kristen Baker was here to greet us and show us the ropes of the resort!  It has been interesting being at an all inclusive resort.  Everything is available for you and there are people everywhere to give you drinks and make you comfortable.  I have attached pictures of our room and view of the ocean from our room.  Yes that is a jetted tub in our room!  The room is amazing!  Last night we at at the barracuda steak house.  I have attached a picture of the structure from inside looking up!  

Last night we were able to walk along the beach and just enjoy each others company.  Today we are looking forward to seeing Roger and Stefanie Hunt.  They fly in this afternoon around 4 pm.  There are several others coming today that we can't wait to see!  

Tomorrow we will go to the Chichenitza.  Look forward to seeing pictures of that!  We hope that you are all doing well.  We already have a distributor that is going to sign up as soon as we are open in Cancun.  He is actually considering moving to the USA so he can join and work with our Team!  

You are all so awesome.  Keep the emails coming in about how well you are doing with the PAY IT FORWARD movement.  Don't let this pass you by.  As Shine has taught us if you want something different then you are going to have to do something that you haven't done before!  Lets be the fasting growing area in Synergy.  

Have a great day and lets all make it to the next Top 50 trip to Cabo!  

Don't forget to register for Gold Camp that is only a week and a half away!  See you all then!

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