Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Healthy Pregnancies

My name is Crystal Edwards. I have five children, all delivered c-section. With my first three pregnancies, I was eating well and exercising, but without fail, my blood pressure would go really high and my iron would go really low. With my first and third child, my blood pressure hit 145/88 and I was nearly put on bed rest. With my second child, I was diagnosed with toxemia and put on bed rest when my blood pressure reached 150/90. With my fourth pregnancy, my blood pressure rose much faster than with the other pregnancies. It was in the high 130s when I was only four months along. I was very stressed about the thought that I might be put on bed rest while I had three young children to care for.
At about that time, we were introduced to ProArgi9+. I was interested in trying it when I learned that it could lower my blood pressure. I asked the reps if I could take it while I was pregnant. They didn’t see why not, but told me to definitely check with my doctor. So, I took the list of ingredients to my next OB appointment and asked the doctor if any of these ingredients would hurt my baby or me.   He chuckled and said all the ingredients were vitamins and amino acids and it wouldn’t hurt my baby or me in any way. I immediately and religiously began taking two servings a day. After a month, I went to my next appointment and was shocked to discover that my blood pressure was completely normal: 118/68. I increased the dose to three scoops a day for the final trimester. The highest my blood pressure got during the pregnancy was 122/72. The fifth pregnancy I took two servings of ProArgi9+ for the first six months then increased it to three servings for the final trimester. It worked wonderfully again.
As I mentioned before, my iron would plummet when I was pregnant. No matter how many high-iron foods and liquid supplements I took, my body just wasn’t absorbing it well. My iron count would always be just barely high enough to be able to have a c-section. One benefit of taking ProArgi9+ that I had not anticipated was that my iron levels stayed in a normal range. My body was absorbing the iron I was eating in my diet, and I did not have to take any iron supplements during my last two pregnancies.
Compared to the first three pregnancies, my last two pregnancies were much less stressful because I didn’t have to worry about my blood pressure and iron levels. I am so grateful for ProArgi9+ and hope you will look into recommending its use.

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